Monday, February 21, 2011

Reception Table Decoration Ideas


Trapani 20.02.2011

Raffaele Lombardo: "Valuteremo questa ed altre soluzioni delle società d'ambito virtuose. Non escluso un emendamento nella Finanziaria".
di Giuseppe Maniscalchi

Nel baratro dei debiti in cui affondano gli Ato in Sicilia, c'è qualche realtà che ha raggiunto traguardi importanti e può guardare i propri bilanci con soddisfazione. Di non avere problemi di liquidità per il pagamento dei fornitori, degli stipendi, oneri contributivi e fiscali. Parliamo dell'Ato Tp1, The results were presented by Eng. Salvatore Alestra, former CEO of the company that brought the forefront, and today liquidator for consolidations of the car the other day the President of the Region, Raffaele Lombardo during his coming Alcamo to inaugurate the underground ecological islands . But the ATO TP1 "Land of the Phoenicians' could not pay for their sins. For many other management patronage - bankruptcy so that the "region - as he said the president himself - has led them to nine." One for each province. Against this hypothesis was very clear the mayor James Scala inviting the president to "keep Ato virtuous and excellence." Lombardo said he was "Willing to consider such a possibility by inserting emendation in the budget and try to find solutions." But at present it is difficle predict how it will end. Meanwhile, the director briefed the president Alestra Lombardo and many mayors and parliamentary speakers, including Gucciardi Baldo, Massimo Ferrara and Senator Nino Papania, projects that Ato TP1 is pursuing. A project for non-hazardous waste landfill to be implemented in the district Borranea, City of Trapani, on a private area, already identified. Design of a composting plant in the town of Segesta Calatafimi-up area confiscated from the Mafia. Project for a collection center in an area municipal Calatafimi-Segesta. E similar to a Buseto Palizzolo. Also in
Buseto a dry portion of the screening facility on an area for which has already started the procedure of expropriation. "At the moment - says Alestra - the company has no production facilities for this reason once you start the service offered to institutions that can cause projects to be independent plant and an economy on the cost provided. Doing so may also reduce the waste tax. In respect of transparency and the Ato TP1 has entrusted the management services and integrated waste management and Tia Tarsu by tender of public evidence and abides by the law, "Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa" to prevent mafia infiltration.


There are 11 municipalities, for a total of 225 000, those who are part of the ego TP1. Are Buseto Palizzolo, Erice, Custonaci, Paceco, Valederice, Alcamo, Calatafimi-Segesta, Castellammare, San Vito Lo Capo, Marsala and Favignana. Achieved several goals. The "door to door" in 2010 has allowed an average collection of around 40 percent. In addition cionquanta percent for Alcamo and almost sixty to Calatafimi. The total cost of all services (cleaning, harvesting, weeding, etc..) For 2010 amounted to € 152 per capita distributed as follows. Cost sweeping, weeding, cleaning drains, cemeteries, etc: 22 €. Cost of collection and management CCR: 80 €. Cost duty equipment: 50 €. Alcamo's satisfaction with the cleaning service managed dall'Aimeri Environment who has won the tender issued by the Auto TP1. Also in Alcamo the waste tax is the lowest of Sicily: 1.57 per square meter. And last Friday the 11 fully operational underground ecological islands that will increase recycling. Through a cash delivered to households by the municipality can use the ecological islands whose contribution includes the tax cuts. "With the contribution of each of us - says Mayor James Scala - the city is already become an example and a guide for the area. I thank the citizens for their enthusiasm and cooperation of the project "Alcamo different."

Source: Giornale di Sicilia


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