Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Lucca: Zero Waste workshop guide and Volunteering 19.02.2011

The workshop "Zero Waste and Volunteering", held in Lucca last Saturday, February 19 as part of National Volunteers show "Solidarity Village" was a milestone important in the path of commitment to a sustainable waste management which sees united the promoters of the initiative: ANPAS , Research Center of Zero Waste Capannori , Foundation and Voluntary Participation . Significant variety of support and contributions collected, which expresses the potential of a complex network of actors that could be implemented soon. They have actively participated in the seminar representatives of local, traditional volunteering and activism related to the Zero Waste strategy, research and business. The provenance of the speakers who came from Fruili Venezia Giulia Sicily, through Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Campania, Basilicata, has also helped rebuild an interesting picture of what is moving around to waste on the territory. Riccardo Think of Foundation and Voluntary Participation opened the meeting by stressing the originality of the landing to the Zero Waste strategy occurred in the context of more detailed work on a model of participatory and sustainable civil protection promoted by the research in 2010. For 2011, the Foundation has a business plan as well as promote the involvement of volunteers in the management of waste virtuous, involves the development of sociological research on the governance of socio-environmental conflicts. Carmine and Concetta Mattia Lizza of ANPAS have updated the audience on the actions that the association is to promote having joined in November Zero Waste Strategy 2010. In particular, in order to develop voluntary effort over the management of emergencies, to support the prevention of risks and the sustainability of lifestyles, the Civil Protection of Public Assistance at the national level must set short of a Sector technical and popular that will work with determination to the uptake of the Zero Waste Strategy and the broader area of \u200b\u200bprotection and enhancement of community property. It was then the turn of Patricia Sciuto Network's Zero Waste Italy, who described to present the world map of practices related to Zero Waste. In this respect, interesting was the contribution of Jessica Sabatini the Brazilian Novociclo , active in the business of recycling. The company is particularly sensitive to promoting sustainability in the waste sector, promotes for October 2011 in Florianopolis in Brazil, the World Youth Meeting Zero Waste . The workshop was followed by interventions Alessio Ciacci, Councillor to 'environment Capannori (Lu) and Valentino Fiorillo, deputy in charge of the City of Maiori (SA). Both have recounted their experience of administrators in municipalities that have adopted a Zero Waste resolution, focusing on the repertoire of actions that, in addition to curbside collection, pushing towards the objective of zeroing of waste: from distribution to families with babies of cloth diapers, the campaign for the business to zero waste, etc.. Rossano Ercolini of Research Center of Zero Waste Capannori , after referring to the "10 Steps Towards Zero Waste" designed by prof. Poul Connett, confirmed the reality of the strategy contained in the work of the center he co-ordinated that focuses on ways to reduce the residual waste. In particular, Ercolini referred to the recent initiative to the Lavazza design of wafers recyclable coffee. I then spoke from the audience members of major voluntary associations Italian: Franco tub of Movi, Franco Di Giangirolamo of Auser, Fabio Mangani Prociv of ARCI, Giuseppe De Stefano csv Naples . All have recognized the element of innovation that distinguishes the Zero Waste Strategy and the interest that such action may have a volunteer for the careful renovation of its role in society that wants to be actor of change.
The work culminated in the proposal, launched by Think and Grow Rich Rossano Ercolini, to forge relationships among the speakers at the workshop to verify the possibility to activate a table of coordination among those concerned to engage in the dissemination of the Zero Waste strategy. One of the first initiatives to be promoted could include the formation of a group of experts able to respond to numerous requests for more insight into the Zero Waste strategy from a variety of reality spread throughout the country.

Rossano Ercolini, Carmine Lizza, Jessica Sabatini, Valentino Fiorillo, Patrizia Lo Sciuto,
Think Rich, Claude and Concetta Mattia Tamburini.


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