Saturday, February 19, 2011

Equipment Used In Meditation

S.O.S. Tata

Last night, at about 23:50. Tilde

My mom goes in the yard, to make them do his pre-sleep at night.
I am in the kitchen, watching the last glimpses of the Festival Sanremo.

Tilde salt, eat your cookie and puts himself in front of me, staring into his eyes.

The tail is rapidly shaken, his ears are straight and look attentive property.

Realizing that maybe I do not know what it means to me, running from my dad in the room, mumbles something, and come back to me.
via recurs, this time in the direction of my room, fixing his pillowy, and then refixed me.

That should tell me who wants to go to bed but is afraid to go alone?

Ok, I decide that the time has come for me, and I go to the bathroom.
When I go out, she sits at the door, and stares at me still.

goes my dad, and barks.
Va da mia mamma, e gli abbaia.
Guarda me che mi infilo nel letto e, dopo nemmeno 3 secondi, lei sta giĆ  russando - sonoramente - sul suo cuscino.

Possibile che io debba andare a dormire quando lo decide il cane?


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