Monday, February 14, 2011

The Erotic Adventures Of Dickman And Throbbin

Lucca: Zero Waste workshop and Voluntary

Foundation Volunteering and Participation, the National Association of Public Assistance
(ANPAS) and the Research Center of Zero Waste Capannori (LU) are organizing Saturday, February 19, 2011 from 9 am to 13 at the fairgrounds area ex Bertolli Lucca, Living in the National Volunteers' Solidarity Village ", the workshop" Zero Waste and Volunteering. " After the accession of

ANPAS ANPAS Campania and the national Zero Waste Strategy (requested by the seminar "Energy, waste, civil protection. From emergency to participation", organized by the Foundation and Voluntary Participation in October 2010), has opened an interesting debate on the relationship between the eco-friendly waste management and volunteerism. The Workshop aims to make visible this debate by offering incentives to reflect on what role the voluntary in the context of the Zero Waste strategy.


Riccardo Think Foundation - Volunteering and Participation
Concetta Mattia - Campania ANPAS
Patricia Sciuto - Zero Waste Italy
Alessio Ciacci - Head to 'Environment Capannori
Valentino Fiorillo - Councillor for the Environment town of Maiori
Carmine Lizza - ANPAS
Rossano Ercolini - Zero Waste Research Center of the City of Capannori


Franco tub - Movi
Giuseppe De Stefano - Confederation of Mercy of Italy Franco Di
Giangirolamo - Auser
Fabio Mangani - Prociv Arci
Jessica Sabatini - Novociclo, Brazil


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