Monday, February 28, 2011

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Marineo the first town in Sicily that adheres to the Zero Waste Strategy.

Marineo (PA) is the first municipality to have joined the Sicilian International Zero Waste Strategy 2020. After being among the first municipalities in Sicily to join the Covenant (Covenant of Majors) and be among the first municipalities in terms of Sicilian yields high percentage of recycling (in excess of 50%), achieved within a year, once again the small town of the province of Palermo is confirmed "precursor" to sustainable development in environmental and energy, representing an example to follow not only locally but also regionally and internationally.
Accession to the International Zero Waste Strategy which was signed by dozens of cities in various parts of the world such as California (San Francisco, Oakland, Santa Cruz, Berkley, Australia (Canberra and Region south-west of the country), New Zealand, Canada (Nova Scotia, British Columbia) the city of Buenos Aires, some cities in the United Kingdom, involves concrete actions to discourage the increase of waste and their disposal in landfills and to encourage initiatives in addition to general extension of the collection, including the "extended producer responsibility" with which to involve the production world in recruiting "productions are increasingly clean."
Expected Marineo to the establishment of a local observatory, chaired by prof. Paul Connett, emeritus professor of environmental chemistry at the University of St Lawrence in Canton, the state of New York, a proponent of the "Zero Waste Strategy", che sarà in Sicilia il prossimo 6 maggio. Secondo Connett, la produzione dei rifiuti è un fattore che può essere governato con una politica che guarda alla sostenibilità e al consumo intelligente dei materiali. Per raggiungere l’obiettivo Rifiuti Zero, infatti, non basta che i cittadini facciano la raccolta differenziata, ma occorre anche usare prodotti fatti con materiali riutilizzabili e riciclabili al 100%.
Per questo motivo Marineo è impegnata fortemente nella “Campagna Nazionale porta la sporta” (16-23 aprile 2011) avente come obiettivo la riduzione dell’uso dei sacchetti di plastica a favore di modelli di consumo sostenibili come la sporta riutilizzabile. Con un’apposita order of union as early as December 2010 the City gave a great impetus to efforts to educate people on the disuse of plastic bags and promote the use of sport as a tool to combat disposable. The Campaign against the "disposable" will culminate in April with the distribution of bags to all pupils in schools Marineo. The bags were financed by the ESCO Alaimo Favara, energy partner of the City of Marineo, with which they are implementing several projects in the field of renewable energy and sustainable development.
Marineo has also joined the "EU Sustainable Energy Week" (European Week of Sustainable energy) from 11 to 15 April 2011, with events and activities which will involve the younger generation and with the collaboration of the Forest Service and local associations. The May 6 meeting with the International Marineo to Zero Waste in 2020 "with the participation of scholars and experts in the field of sustainable development policies, including the prof. Connett, we will study new forms of development and experimental models with the objective of "Zero Waste".
"In the last year - says Mayor Frank Ribaudo - the experience of our municipality has shown that the increase in waste is no longer an unchangeable given, ma solo un fattore che può essere governato con il coraggio di una politica orientata alla sostenibilità e alla necessità di scelte coraggiose e concrete per un comune futuro possibile. Grazie alla grande partecipazione della cittadinanza, alla professionalità di chi gestisce il servizio, all’impegno politico in tante campagne di sensibilizzazione e promozione nelle scuole, esercizi commerciali e la cittadinanza tutta. Con la raccolta domiciliare abbiamo superato la quota di raccolta differenziata dell’50%, con una riduzione complessiva dei costi, una città più pulita, un miglioramento del decoro urbano. Infatti, a Marineo tutti i cassonetti sono stati rimossi: la riduzione delle tariffe alla cittadinanza ed una riduzione annua of the total production of waste we can be proud of their work. The policy is that if he can mature awareness, if feeds participation, where democracy is growing and the leadership of the community. Our goal is to unite these urgent needs for participation, the urgency of preserving our environment, our common home dall'insostenibilità degradation and is the first mission of a good administration. "
"Zero Waste - Greek says Charles, a consultant for environmental and energy policies - is not a utopia, but an essential objective to try to build a more sustainable, also changing habits and our lifestyles. Through the act of accession to the Zero Waste Strategy, the City of Marineo undertakes to take the path towards the final goal of 2020, establishing for 2011 exceeding the 60% recycling and 65% for 2012, combining these objectives with a constant commitment aimed at reducing the total waste production by 2020. "

Press Release City of Marineo (PA)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Does The Left Side Ovulate More

Verde a Torino

few months ago, at the our anniversary, I made a little gift to a boyfriend '.. Specifically, let's call it that.

None of the material in the exact sense of the word, or anything to keep on your desk, in your pocket, in your room or car.
Nothing to wear, nor striped shirts sweaters nor checked, no pants or socks.
Nothing technological, information, or scented with sberluccicante.

Instead, I chose something eco-friendly, lasting, commitment and colorful.
One of those things that is perfect 365 days a year, which adapts to the changing seasons and is not affected by severe weather conditions.
One of those things that stretches in the sun, get wet in the rain, hiding under the snow, and shake in the wind.

A gift for him, to symbolize the bark hard trying to protect me every time.
A gift for me, to symbolize the crown that widens to embrace a continuous those around me.
A gift for us, to symbolize the deep roots of our feelings.

At our anniversary, I gave the boyfriend a tree.
At our anniversary, I donated to the City of Turin a maple.

Now, in the backyard of the boyfriend, a tree planted just waiting for him every morning.
Now, in the backyard of the boyfriend, a tree gives a little 'more oxygen to my second home .

Friday, February 25, 2011

Light Reflecting Make Up

Angolo bar .. zen

few days ago a boyfriend gave me, after putting up with me for a certain period of time as I wandered in search of the model that I said, a kettle Electric.

I brought promptly to the office to be able to exploit - at full speed - in my tea break, cutting a corner desk so we can put even the wooden tray, the cup with a spoon, the 2 boxes of tea bags and jar of honey (just for afternoon tea!).

The other day, also, it's head, saying that since we are a company that sells well, it must have well-being even in (??). It is a fact that has come with one of those zen fountains with the light, the water flowing and the ball running continuously.

see, that the flow of water will clean the air relaxes you and the boss told me happily, while filled with water and, gleefully, watching the running.

spend about 10 minutes to watch when I look at it seriously.

Me: head, excuse me, but it must remain here in this life thing? pointing to the fontanel zen.
Cape why do not you like?
Me: no no, nice is nice. And 'that with all this noise of water already beat me to piss.

My boyfriend would say that I am giving you some satisfaction when I make gifts ....

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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Brussels: Operators in the waste sector are pushing for the free market in EU.

From GAIA Europe
"The waste management must become a free market, because it has become an area of \u200b\u200bactivity, not a service of general interest "- so said Monday the new president of the European Federation of the waste sector and the environment FEAD , Peter Kurth. "It 's time to have fair competition between public and private waste because the preferential treatment given to the public sector is impeding innovation and investment in modern facilities for waste treatment" - added Kurth . This lack of a level playing field can be seen in Germany, where private companies have to pay VAT while the public are exempt. A forthcoming EU plan on 'VAT could solve the problem, said Mr. Kurth, the former head of the German waste management Alba. The association also wants the majority of EU cohesion funds is made available for public-private partnerships or private spaces. If the funds are only allocated to public projects, the recycling industry does not grow fast enough in Eastern Europe to meet the EU target of recycling 50% by 2050, warned Mr Kurth. "There will be private companies who carry out the recycling," he said. "Most of the municipalities are not large enough to build recycling facilities." FEAD recently raised the issue with Karl Falkenberg, Director of Environment of the European Commission. Kurth was elected President of FEAD General Assembly last week. The Federation issued a statement that identifies four strategic objectives for the coming years: the reorientation of cohesion funds, free and fair competition for private enterprises, the promotion of recycling and a commitment to high environmental standards.

Press FEAD
Dichiarazione di Bruxelles

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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Marinée (PA): First town in Sicily to have acceded to the International Strategy Zero Waste.

Il 18 febbraio 2011 il Comune di Marineo (PA) 6.814 abitanti con una determina del Sindaco ha aderito alla Strategia Internazionale Zero Waste 2020.


COMUNI ITALIANI che hanno aderito alla strategia internazionale RIFIUTI ZERO 2020

CAPANNORI (Lucca)                 abitanti      46059
CARBONIA (Carbonia Iglesias)                   29827
AVIANO (Pordenone)                                     9252
Giffoni Sei Casali (Salerno) 5272
VINCHIO (Asti) 677
COLORNO (Parma) 8979
SERAVEZZA (Lucca) 13449
CALCINAIA (Pisa) ; 11396
MONSANO (Ancona) ; ; 3223
MONTIGNOSO (Massa Carrara)                  10553
LA SPEZIA                                                     95641
Vico Pisano (Pisa) , 8417
VESUVIANA SUM (Napoli) 35161
CORCHIANO (Viterbo)                                   3826
BOSCOREALE (Napoli)                              
26939 Monte San Pietro (Bologna) 10 976
Maiori (Salerno) 5649
COLLESANO* (Palermo)                                4254
FORTE DEI MARMI (Lucca)                          7760
SASSO MARCONI (Bologna)                       14719
MARINEO (Palermo)                                       6814
Pietrasanta (Lucca) ; 24833

* This joint resolution will take the Zero Waste in the coming days.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Reception Table Decoration Ideas


Trapani 20.02.2011

Raffaele Lombardo: "Valuteremo questa ed altre soluzioni delle società d'ambito virtuose. Non escluso un emendamento nella Finanziaria".
di Giuseppe Maniscalchi

Nel baratro dei debiti in cui affondano gli Ato in Sicilia, c'è qualche realtà che ha raggiunto traguardi importanti e può guardare i propri bilanci con soddisfazione. Di non avere problemi di liquidità per il pagamento dei fornitori, degli stipendi, oneri contributivi e fiscali. Parliamo dell'Ato Tp1, The results were presented by Eng. Salvatore Alestra, former CEO of the company that brought the forefront, and today liquidator for consolidations of the car the other day the President of the Region, Raffaele Lombardo during his coming Alcamo to inaugurate the underground ecological islands . But the ATO TP1 "Land of the Phoenicians' could not pay for their sins. For many other management patronage - bankruptcy so that the "region - as he said the president himself - has led them to nine." One for each province. Against this hypothesis was very clear the mayor James Scala inviting the president to "keep Ato virtuous and excellence." Lombardo said he was "Willing to consider such a possibility by inserting emendation in the budget and try to find solutions." But at present it is difficle predict how it will end. Meanwhile, the director briefed the president Alestra Lombardo and many mayors and parliamentary speakers, including Gucciardi Baldo, Massimo Ferrara and Senator Nino Papania, projects that Ato TP1 is pursuing. A project for non-hazardous waste landfill to be implemented in the district Borranea, City of Trapani, on a private area, already identified. Design of a composting plant in the town of Segesta Calatafimi-up area confiscated from the Mafia. Project for a collection center in an area municipal Calatafimi-Segesta. E similar to a Buseto Palizzolo. Also in
Buseto a dry portion of the screening facility on an area for which has already started the procedure of expropriation. "At the moment - says Alestra - the company has no production facilities for this reason once you start the service offered to institutions that can cause projects to be independent plant and an economy on the cost provided. Doing so may also reduce the waste tax. In respect of transparency and the Ato TP1 has entrusted the management services and integrated waste management and Tia Tarsu by tender of public evidence and abides by the law, "Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa" to prevent mafia infiltration.


There are 11 municipalities, for a total of 225 000, those who are part of the ego TP1. Are Buseto Palizzolo, Erice, Custonaci, Paceco, Valederice, Alcamo, Calatafimi-Segesta, Castellammare, San Vito Lo Capo, Marsala and Favignana. Achieved several goals. The "door to door" in 2010 has allowed an average collection of around 40 percent. In addition cionquanta percent for Alcamo and almost sixty to Calatafimi. The total cost of all services (cleaning, harvesting, weeding, etc..) For 2010 amounted to € 152 per capita distributed as follows. Cost sweeping, weeding, cleaning drains, cemeteries, etc: 22 €. Cost of collection and management CCR: 80 €. Cost duty equipment: 50 €. Alcamo's satisfaction with the cleaning service managed dall'Aimeri Environment who has won the tender issued by the Auto TP1. Also in Alcamo the waste tax is the lowest of Sicily: 1.57 per square meter. And last Friday the 11 fully operational underground ecological islands that will increase recycling. Through a cash delivered to households by the municipality can use the ecological islands whose contribution includes the tax cuts. "With the contribution of each of us - says Mayor James Scala - the city is already become an example and a guide for the area. I thank the citizens for their enthusiasm and cooperation of the project "Alcamo different."

Source: Giornale di Sicilia

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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Perchè Sanremo è Sanremo ..

.. and I could not certainly fail to comment on it, no?
I expected but it closed with the proclamation of the winner and the last vestiges of dispute or admiration.

Now then, with confidence, I can speak my mind - and I state, is one of those to whom the bandwagon Sanremo has always liked it, more as a national symbol (and at a time when the unification of 'Italy is felt as a burden ..). Let

in order, so not to forget a few pieces on the street.

Morandi, Belen and Canalis . No comment. He seemed out of mothballs by the cabinet, the Belen me is simply on the beep and I've had more confirmations, Canalis .. Thus, there was Canalis?

Luke and Paul. I have never made me laugh, neither the House nor to Reservoir Dogs Cafe. I did not like, in any of their gags. What then, think about it, much acclaimed for parody mocking Berlusconi's business .. but who pays his salary? In your opinion, did not have his blessing to do what they did?

various guests. From Bellucci De Niro through Benigni, I consider them useless. Pass the musical guests, but people - even good - has nothing to do, I never understood why were pocketing part of our canon.

musical guests. I have seen Take That. Or rather, I saw 3 minutes when Take That were on stage. Then nothing, eclipsed in no time at all. But ah!

artists race. Giusy Ferreri I never endured, with his shrill voice gets on my nerves when Nathalie was at home was better; Max Pezzali continues to write songs all the same, which only changes the title; Barbarossa with the wife of Alonso. . but I say with all the Italian singers who are just a wife was going to take? What

except . Battiato: to sing a leading role or not, is a master. The PFM, which they play anywhere and with anyone they do show a lot of young men who believed he had achieved what real music. Michele Placido: it could also be quiet, but I save it regardless. The beard just mentioned of Renga, which makes it even more .. adorable .. than it normally is.

What I do not save. Tatangelo's clothes, which made it appear aged another 20 years. Anna Oxa, I remember its existence only when it appears in this video (and every time I think I on Halloween).

My favorite songs . And this will surprise you with special effects! Bastardo of Tatangelo: certainly not run to buy the disc, but if I listen to the radio ricapitasse gladly would raise the volume. Amanda is free , Albano, not for the singer, but for the story and the courage - for once - not only sing of happiness and simple love. The wind roses Patty Pravo: she is unwatchable, but the version played with Morgan in the internet is creepy.

Well, now we just have to wait until 2012.
And you, what do you think of Canzoniero bandwagon?

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Lucca: Zero Waste workshop guide and Volunteering 19.02.2011

The workshop "Zero Waste and Volunteering", held in Lucca last Saturday, February 19 as part of National Volunteers show "Solidarity Village" was a milestone important in the path of commitment to a sustainable waste management which sees united the promoters of the initiative: ANPAS , Research Center of Zero Waste Capannori , Foundation and Voluntary Participation . Significant variety of support and contributions collected, which expresses the potential of a complex network of actors that could be implemented soon. They have actively participated in the seminar representatives of local, traditional volunteering and activism related to the Zero Waste strategy, research and business. The provenance of the speakers who came from Fruili Venezia Giulia Sicily, through Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Campania, Basilicata, has also helped rebuild an interesting picture of what is moving around to waste on the territory. Riccardo Think of Foundation and Voluntary Participation opened the meeting by stressing the originality of the landing to the Zero Waste strategy occurred in the context of more detailed work on a model of participatory and sustainable civil protection promoted by the research in 2010. For 2011, the Foundation has a business plan as well as promote the involvement of volunteers in the management of waste virtuous, involves the development of sociological research on the governance of socio-environmental conflicts. Carmine and Concetta Mattia Lizza of ANPAS have updated the audience on the actions that the association is to promote having joined in November Zero Waste Strategy 2010. In particular, in order to develop voluntary effort over the management of emergencies, to support the prevention of risks and the sustainability of lifestyles, the Civil Protection of Public Assistance at the national level must set short of a Sector technical and popular that will work with determination to the uptake of the Zero Waste Strategy and the broader area of \u200b\u200bprotection and enhancement of community property. It was then the turn of Patricia Sciuto Network's Zero Waste Italy, who described to present the world map of practices related to Zero Waste. In this respect, interesting was the contribution of Jessica Sabatini the Brazilian Novociclo , active in the business of recycling. The company is particularly sensitive to promoting sustainability in the waste sector, promotes for October 2011 in Florianopolis in Brazil, the World Youth Meeting Zero Waste . The workshop was followed by interventions Alessio Ciacci, Councillor to 'environment Capannori (Lu) and Valentino Fiorillo, deputy in charge of the City of Maiori (SA). Both have recounted their experience of administrators in municipalities that have adopted a Zero Waste resolution, focusing on the repertoire of actions that, in addition to curbside collection, pushing towards the objective of zeroing of waste: from distribution to families with babies of cloth diapers, the campaign for the business to zero waste, etc.. Rossano Ercolini of Research Center of Zero Waste Capannori , after referring to the "10 Steps Towards Zero Waste" designed by prof. Poul Connett, confirmed the reality of the strategy contained in the work of the center he co-ordinated that focuses on ways to reduce the residual waste. In particular, Ercolini referred to the recent initiative to the Lavazza design of wafers recyclable coffee. I then spoke from the audience members of major voluntary associations Italian: Franco tub of Movi, Franco Di Giangirolamo of Auser, Fabio Mangani Prociv of ARCI, Giuseppe De Stefano csv Naples . All have recognized the element of innovation that distinguishes the Zero Waste Strategy and the interest that such action may have a volunteer for the careful renovation of its role in society that wants to be actor of change.
The work culminated in the proposal, launched by Think and Grow Rich Rossano Ercolini, to forge relationships among the speakers at the workshop to verify the possibility to activate a table of coordination among those concerned to engage in the dissemination of the Zero Waste strategy. One of the first initiatives to be promoted could include the formation of a group of experts able to respond to numerous requests for more insight into the Zero Waste strategy from a variety of reality spread throughout the country.

Rossano Ercolini, Carmine Lizza, Jessica Sabatini, Valentino Fiorillo, Patrizia Lo Sciuto,
Think Rich, Claude and Concetta Mattia Tamburini.

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Capannori: Zero Waste "is closer.

CAPANNORI (Lucca), February 19 - Increase of 30% of the collection of electrical equipment through the islands of ecological and Salanetti Col task, up 15% the collection of cooking oils and reduction of 70 tonnes of mixed waste sent to disposal (- 1%).
are among the most relevant data emerging from the review of the curbside collection in 2010 that ascites forwarded to the City. More broadly be noted that the percentage of total collection has increased, rising from 71.4% in 2009 to 71.8% in 2010, although it is now coming on all over, no longer able to record large increases coinciding with the progressive extension of the collection system in the area.
"Is there anyway to remember - said the Deputy Mayor, Alessio Ciacci - that thanks to the efforts of incentives for home composting, the Region of Tuscany has certified 81, 4% collection differentiated therefore increase with the certification in 2010 expected in September. We are very pleased because the Zero Waste goal is getting closer, to emphasize in particolare l'aumento della sensibilità dei nostri cittadini nella differenziazione di alcuni materiali come, ad esempio, gli olii usati in cucina, che se non smaltiti correttamente sono fonte di inquinamento per l'acqua e i terreni e che invece se recuperati possono diventare risorsa venendo  trasformati in biodisel ".
Analizzando più nel dettaglio i dati emerge che  è aumentata anche la  raccolta di pile alcaline esaurite , che passano dai 3.480 kg del 2009 ai 4.790 del 2010 facendo segnare un + 37,64%.
Forte, inoltre, anche per schermi e televisori, che passano dai 35.821 kg del 2009 ai 56.050  kg del 2010  (+47%) e per frigoriferi e climatizzatori (+ 5,33%). Trend in crescita anche per toner e cartucce esaurite (+32,18%) e per il vetro di provenienza urbana (+42,40%). Aumenta, seppure in maniera minore, la frazione organica ( + 9,24%) e la raccolta di carta e cartone (+ 2.47%), mentre il multimateriale fa segnare un + 2,84%. Balzo in avanti, infine anche per il legno da imballaggi che passa  dai  203.180 kg del 2009 ai 266.140 kg del 2010 con un + 30,99%. Buone notizie anche sul fronte dei rifiuti speciali: cresce infatti la raccolta differenziata degli inerti provenienti da demolizioni urbane (+ 23,74%).
Fonte: Lo

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Equipment Used In Meditation

S.O.S. Tata

Last night, at about 23:50. Tilde

My mom goes in the yard, to make them do his pre-sleep at night.
I am in the kitchen, watching the last glimpses of the Festival Sanremo.

Tilde salt, eat your cookie and puts himself in front of me, staring into his eyes.

The tail is rapidly shaken, his ears are straight and look attentive property.

Realizing that maybe I do not know what it means to me, running from my dad in the room, mumbles something, and come back to me.
via recurs, this time in the direction of my room, fixing his pillowy, and then refixed me.

That should tell me who wants to go to bed but is afraid to go alone?

Ok, I decide that the time has come for me, and I go to the bathroom.
When I go out, she sits at the door, and stares at me still.

goes my dad, and barks.
Va da mia mamma, e gli abbaia.
Guarda me che mi infilo nel letto e, dopo nemmeno 3 secondi, lei sta già russando - sonoramente - sul suo cuscino.

Possibile che io debba andare a dormire quando lo decide il cane?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Coming soon

Ore 21.50 : sono davanti al computer, la pagina di Ticketone aperta, e continuo a premere il tasto F5 per aggiornare la visione della pagina.

Ore 21.55 : continua ad apparire la scritta A breve in vendita e continuo ad aggiornare la vista, sperando in un'apertura anticipata.

Ore 22.00 : dopo qualche secondo appare la scritta Vendite aperte , e mi fiondo come un'aquila sulla preda .. sono ormai in fase berserking, e guai a chi mi tocca il tasto Acquista .

Ore 22.05 : dopo aver scelto la zona, selezionato la quantità e aggiornato nuovamente, mi appare questo:

Eh già, in 5 minuti più di 600 persone erano in coda in attesa di comprare i biglietti.
Eh già, in 5 minuti io ero addirittura il numero 686: impressionante!
Eh già, in 5 minuti ne hanno serviti più di 400.

Eh già, mi viene da pensare.

Eh già, dopotutto ero solo in coda per il concerto di Vasco.
Eh già, la fortuna mi ha assistito anche questa time and fewer than 2 tickets are in my hands .. and woe betide anyone who touches them myself!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Europe agreed criteria "label."

A committee of Member States have adopted policies to change the eco-label to hand dishwashing detergents, cleaners and lubricants. The rules are laid down more stringent chemicals.

Products marked with the eco-label in all three categories may not contain all substances of very high concern (SVHC). Member States also decided to ban new substances, like Diazolidinyl, a preservative in dishwashing detergent.

For all purpose cleaners, its scope was broadened to include the products ready for use, not need to be diluted with water. But these products need a charging system in place to avoid excess packaging. New categories were added to the scope of the eco-label for lubricants, including marine and industrial gear oils.

The Committee has maintained a waiver that would allow surfactants are very toxic to aquatic life at concentrations of less than 25% in the final product. He also agreed to refer to "NanoForm" instead of "nanomaterials" that, according to environmental group EEB, it would risk falling into different interpretations by Member States.


Commission document on dishwashing detergent and cleaners (see final dossier), See also EEB and the final document of BEUC.

GAIA Europe

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Erotic Adventures Of Dickman And Throbbin

Lucca: Zero Waste workshop and Voluntary

Foundation Volunteering and Participation, the National Association of Public Assistance
(ANPAS) and the Research Center of Zero Waste Capannori (LU) are organizing Saturday, February 19, 2011 from 9 am to 13 at the fairgrounds area ex Bertolli Lucca, Living in the National Volunteers' Solidarity Village ", the workshop" Zero Waste and Volunteering. " After the accession of

ANPAS ANPAS Campania and the national Zero Waste Strategy (requested by the seminar "Energy, waste, civil protection. From emergency to participation", organized by the Foundation and Voluntary Participation in October 2010), has opened an interesting debate on the relationship between the eco-friendly waste management and volunteerism. The Workshop aims to make visible this debate by offering incentives to reflect on what role the voluntary in the context of the Zero Waste strategy.


Riccardo Think Foundation - Volunteering and Participation
Concetta Mattia - Campania ANPAS
Patricia Sciuto - Zero Waste Italy
Alessio Ciacci - Head to 'Environment Capannori
Valentino Fiorillo - Councillor for the Environment town of Maiori
Carmine Lizza - ANPAS
Rossano Ercolini - Zero Waste Research Center of the City of Capannori


Franco tub - Movi
Giuseppe De Stefano - Confederation of Mercy of Italy Franco Di
Giangirolamo - Auser
Fabio Mangani - Prociv Arci
Jessica Sabatini - Novociclo, Brazil

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Equazione culinaria

retraining the mind with a little 'mathematics of sound, what do you think?

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4 sachets yeast
8 teaspoons of sugar
1 liter of cold water
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I would say that Saturday night, in view of guests at dinner, we did not miss anything.
There was the cheese, the gorgonzola and onions, that courgettes and Taleggio, one with mushrooms and smoked cheese, bacon cup and the one with olives and brie.

What? Ask if they have advanced?
Um, not much to say .. between a few pieces that have taken home the guests and what we ate for breakfast the next morning .. I would say it's over in no time!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

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Comunicazione di servizio

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Dear users, now and indefinitely, you'll find me here too:

Enjoy ..

Plin Plon
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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Appunti di un venditore di donne

 All'uscita di questo libro mi ero detta che, obbligatoriamente, avrei dovuto leggerlo.
E per essere precisa, per tre motivi ben distinti tra loro:
1 - adoro Faletti . Ma la mia adorazione va oltre il suo essere scrittore, il suo essere cantante, il suo essere comico e attore. La mia adorazione risale alla mia infanzia, quando mio papà lavorava per una ditta all'interno degli studi di Canale 5 - o meglio, all'interno degli studi di Tele Milano. Da allora, i vecchi protagonisti che comparivano sugli schermi sono, nel bene e nel male, legati indissolubilmente alla mia crescita. Faletti come Beruschi, Cristina Moffa come Brian e Garrison, D'Angelo and raw Pistarino.
2 - the story takes place in 1978 . For the record held in the spring of that year. Year in which, for the record in May, I came to the world.
3 - the story takes place in Milan . But Milan is not the drink that was in vogue in those years, the Milan Duomo, the shopping and the rich. But the Milan public housing, the suburbs, made up of people in the lurch and respectable people. In practice, where I was born.

I will not tell you the plot of the book, that you can just read the site at any sale or review of literature. But I can tell you

of how my mind, from the very first pages, has been flooded with memories, images, photographs. Scenes of everyday life, moments of past life passes before my eyes, without stopping, smooth, perfectly amalgamated with what was described in the pages.

you could also tell you how to be born and grow up in a neighborhood of the border, where one is afraid to accompany their children to school at 8 am, not for the darkness that we can be in winter, but for prostitutes this corner of the street not far from their supervised pimp.

I could tell you how to grow among classmates who had no father, or that they could visit him, but only al sabato, guardandolo da dietro un vetro, da dietro delle sbarre.

Vi potrei raccontare di come si fa a giocare con amiche che, qualche anno più tardi, hanno fatto del marciapiede la loro casa, vivendo alla giornata e sperando in un tozzo di pane.

Vi potrei raccontare di come si fa a farsi rispettare da un compagno più grande, morto ammazzato qualche anno dopo, trafitto da proiettili non vaganti .. ma a lui destinati.

Vi potrei raccontare di come si fa a rimboccarsi le maniche, ad alzare la testa, a non farsi travolgere da questo mondo, rifacendosi una vita altrove, lontano da tutti, lontano da tutto.

Vi potrei raccontare di come ci si forma il carattere , in questo caso. E di come si diventi - agli occhi degli altri - a tratti freddi, a tratti cinici, a tratti insensibili. Testardi fino al punto di alzare la voce per difendere le proprie idee, cocciuti fino al midollo pur di raggiungere i propri obiettivi.

Vi potrei raccontare di come molti dei personaggi presenti potrebbero essere tranquillamente ora al fianco di ognuno di noi, o averli scorti in passato, dentro un bar, dentro un ristorante, con le loro famiglie o con i loro amici.

Vi potrei raccontare di come alcuni fatti di cronaca si ripetono col passare dei tempi. Cambiano i nomi e le date, ma i fattacci sono sempre gli stessi.

Vi potrei raccontare molte altre cose che sono apparse nella mia mente leggendo questo libro.

But I tell you about my childhood.
It does not seem the case.

You may try to decide what to do with your life, but very often the life that you decide what to do.

Monday, February 7, 2011

What's It Like Having A Hysterectomy

Eh già ..

... seemed the end of the world, but I'm still here!

I do not write well.
there who like it.
there who does not like.
Some people love him.
Some people hate him.
Some people change the channel on the radio as they pass his songs.
Some people only listen his songs.

And then there is us, the fans, we have found an LP in its cradle.

Friday, February 4, 2011

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Numbers and research

What will be tried last month the unfortunate surfers who have found in my pages?

  • Galatine : enough, I have not in the office. They must have realized that I was always to finish them?
  • I do not kill : for heaven's sake, ever! It is not my intent .. for now!
  • 10 years : Greetings! When you make the party?
  • Lady Oscar together forever: of course, She and Andrea will be together forever .. dead, but together.
  • Walter Amaro Peirone gianduja : good book, I recommend it. One of those reads that this library will not catch your eye and instead are full of surprises!
  • Fragrances a nose: in that sense I'm sorry? If you keep your nose in the stink is not perfume!
  • them to him I ended : the Galatine?
  • Trip to Mantua 4 days : look, I think half a day is more than enough!
  • hunters elfe : even the hour hunt elves? And when?
  • Vrboska vampire : oh mom .. There was a vampire in Vrboska and I have not noticed? It is good that I also visited the town ..
And now I thank, as usual, the lone visitor in Mechelen, Germany, and its role in the Bern Switzerland!

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Press Ass. Zero Waste Trapani following the special session and opened the city council.

PRESS RELEASE 04.02.2011

the ass. Zero Waste Trapani attended yesterday's extraordinary meeting of City Council and open to the public on the issue of recycling in the city. The
ass. Zero Waste Trapani, represented by Patricia Sciuto, reiterated the importance of starting from the beginning a path of sustainable waste in Trapani, chief town of the province. Although efforts have been made by the municipal waste management - Patricia Sciuto said in his speech - are to be considered insufficient.
The city of Trapani has all the elements to start a virtuous circle in a long-term. The plant in Belvedere district, the Island label, company waste collection and landfill are owned by the city and could provide for a real change with the launch of door to door waste collection throughout the city. As currently exceed negligible percentage - Trapani today has a 15% separate collection - with a system like that of inadequate collection of bells road flanked an 'ecological island and reach the 65% required by law? The municipal government now prefers to pay the fine to all citizens for the failure to attain the almost € 75,000 for the year 2010, and proceed to fill the landfill Borranea with an average of about 300,000 tonnes of waste undifferentiated.
Start collection door to door has certainly cost - said Patricia Sciuto - but sent for recycling is becoming a factor in saving rather than the landfill thanks to revenues, which should be evaluated in long-term, obtained by the consortia for the provision of packaging and processing platforms of organic wastes for composting with affordable rates. The plant could be built in Belvedere composting plant and treat the wet harvested separately instead of putting it in landfills, at significant cost of managing the leachate in the last municipal budget amount for the discharge of Belvedere, to 300,000 €. The opening to door to door collection is estimated by the City of Trapani with a vision of algebraic and non-environmental, cultural, employment and social. Without considering the risks to the health of citizens for the consequences of poor waste management. The ass. Zero Waste Trapani gave availability administration to cooperate with the commissioner of discord and programming environment Diego now possible perspectives, such as collection of organic fraction in municipal area. Patricia Sciuto concluded his speech by saying that if Trapani wants to be worthy of a city like San Francisco, where we know we will be in 2013, the 34th America's Cup, should have a system of waste management at San Francisco where, with 750,000 inhabitants, has now reached 72% of the collection.

Ass Zero Waste
Trapani Via Clemente 10 / a 91016
-Erice Casa Santa (Trapani)
Mobile +39339 3104845
Facebook: Rifiuti Zero Trapani

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Before Mensus How The Uterus Look Like

Project "Zero Waste" ANPAS part by Paternò Sicily.

Promuovere porta a porta la raccolta differenziata. E’ la nuova mission di Anpas Sicilia attraverso A.P.A.S. Paternò, che ha firmato una convenzione con Simeto Ambiente Spa, l’ente gestore del servizio di raccolta rifiuti in provincia di Catania. La pubblica paternese fa così da apripista in Sicilia nell’ambito dell’adesione di Anpas Nazionale al progetto “Rifiuti Zero”. I volontari di A.P.A.S. Paternò presteranno la loro collaborazione per eseguire il servizio di informazione e promozione porta a porta della cultura relativa alla differenziazione dei rifiuti solidi urbani solidi del Comune di Paternò.
Il servizio sarà effettuato dalle ore 9 alle 12 al mattino e dalle ore 16 alle 19, dal lunedì al venerdì, oltre che nella mattinata di sabato, diffondendo durante il primo mese la cultura della differenziazione dei rifiuti attraverso la distribuzione di vario materiale (pubblicitario, sacchetti e secchielli) e avviando nei seguenti due mesi attività di inibizione delle cattive abitudini degli utenti nel conferimento della raccoltà differenziata. L’A.P.A.S. Paternò will do their volunteers wear a badge, which will indicate all "volunteer workers for the culture and the increase in recycling, in order of immediate identification. All this will clearly be done in closer cooperation with the management of the ATO.
"I am extremely happy to marry a project that has as its mission the dissemination of the environment, then an increase of culture in the area - said the president of ANPAS Sicily, Lorenzo Colaleo -. I hope that APAS Paterno could take the lead for all other public assistance offices throughout the nine provinces of Sicily ANPAS Island, ready to disclose even their notions of Zero Waste Project, which joined the National ANPAS.

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Maya - Domani, 2012

Third appointment with the saga of the Maya, whose The predestined was the beginning, and the magic square follow.

I left Maya in the arms of Hector Parra De 'Giorgi, the young Italian nobleman from the refined manners, the incantrice gab and a mysterious past.
I had left Trent, love with a capital Maya, desperate and only locked up at home, with headphones in the ears of the I-phod perpetually miserable in hopes of forgetting.

shame that Hector is not what he did believe at all. And that is perfectly
son of his father, or an old serial killer obsessed with the cult of worshipers of Tau.

Among girls killed in sacrifice, friends disappeared forever, threats and chases, Maya must figure out which side of the fence and, above all, convinced that she is really predestined that can stop this massacre.

shame that love can not always help people of faith.
Too bad faith does not can always help the good.
Unfortunately, everywhere, evil is the master.

For the losers of the difficulties are problems.
For the winners are only challenges.

PS theory in this book is recommended as reading for children aged 12/13 years old. In practice, if I were in their place and I was sane I would wake at night with nightmares.
Given the fact that all tell the background of the murders (including the positions of the bodies during the recovery) .. from the fact that half the book takes place in Turin renowned top of the triangle of white magic and black magic (which tell every horrible happened behind the scenes over the years) .. from the fact that the story revolves around esoteric references .. Well, not really a children's reading !

PPS and, of course, the story is not over, but for the fourth chapter Dovo wait for next year!

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Research Center of Zero Waste Capannori (LU) COFFEE CAPSULE '' disposable 'LAVAZZA.



Soon it may also arise coffee 'ecological'. The open letter a few weeks ago, the Research Center of the City of Zero Waste has Capannori inviato alla Lavazza con la richiesta di avviare un confronto per la 'riprogettazione' delle capsule di caffè 'usa e getta', che attualmente non sono riciclabili, sembra infatti dare i primi risultati. Presto gli amministratori capannoresi e i rappresentanti del team del centro di ricerca sui rifiuti che ha compiuto lo studio sulle capsule, coordinato da Rossano Ercolini, potrebbero incontrarsi con l'Associazione Italiana Industrie Prodotti Alimentari (Aiipa) di cui fa parte anche la Lavazza, nella sede dell'Innovation Center di Torino realizzato dalla Lavazza  come centro nevralgico dei tutte le sue attività di ricerca, in primis la ricerca ambientale. L'importante azienda torinese ha accolto con grande disponibilità la sollecitazione giunta da Capannori con una lettera indirizzata al sindaco, Giorgio Del Ghingaro, all'assessore all'ambiente Alessio Ciacci e a Rossano Ercolini. Proprio l'Aiipa infatti, che rappresenta il gruppo merceologico chiamato in causa da Capannori e quindi anche altre aziende del comparto caffè, ha creato un gruppo di lavoro su questi temi da tempo impegnato, così come la stessa Lavazza, sul fronte della ricerca di innovazioni tecnologiche che riducano sensibilmente l'impatto ambientale di tutti i materiali di imballaggi e quindi anche delle capsule in questione. "Sarebbe  un'opportunità davvero molto importante per l'amministrazione comunale e per tutta la nostra comunità, che con così tanto impegno ha collaborato all'ottima riuscita collection of 'door to door' and reducing waste - said the mayor, Giorgio Del Ghingaro -. Our research center is continuing to work on this issue and a few days ago the head of international strategy 'Zero Waste' Paul Connett has come to Capannori just to give us his valuable contribution and imprenscindibile. In thanking the Lavazza for willingness, then we hope to be able to meet as soon as the AIIP and could rise to a fruitful cooperation for environmental protection and quality of life for us all. "

The 'case study'
A few months ago with the establishment of the Research Center Zero Waste Rossano Ercolini coordinated by the action of City of Capannori is focusing on residual waste, ie non-differentiable one just like the coffee capsules, which the center has created a 'case study' which shows that each years in Italy is consumed 1 billion coffee capsules 'disposable' (10% than they are consumed in the world) and that Capannori, assuming that meets the national average, are consumed each year 750 000, corresponding to 9 tonnes of unsorted waste. To make one kilogram of disposable coffee capsules takes 4 kg of water, 2 kg of oil and 22 kW of power electricity.

Research Center of Zero Waste Capannori (LU).

Capannori, February 2, 2011