Marineo (PA) is the first municipality to have joined the Sicilian International Zero Waste Strategy 2020. After being among the first municipalities in Sicily to join the Covenant (Covenant of Majors) and be among the first municipalities in terms of Sicilian yields high percentage of recycling (in excess of 50%), achieved within a year, once again the small town of the province of Palermo is confirmed "precursor" to sustainable development in environmental and energy, representing an example to follow not only locally but also regionally and internationally.
Accession to the International Zero Waste Strategy which was signed by dozens of cities in various parts of the world such as California (San Francisco, Oakland, Santa Cruz, Berkley, Australia (Canberra and Region south-west of the country), New Zealand, Canada (Nova Scotia, British Columbia) the city of Buenos Aires, some cities in the United Kingdom, involves concrete actions to discourage the increase of waste and their disposal in landfills and to encourage initiatives in addition to general extension of the collection, including the "extended producer responsibility" with which to involve the production world in recruiting "productions are increasingly clean."
Expected Marineo to the establishment of a local observatory, chaired by prof. Paul Connett, emeritus professor of environmental chemistry at the University of St Lawrence in Canton, the state of New York, a proponent of the "Zero Waste Strategy", che sarà in Sicilia il prossimo 6 maggio. Secondo Connett, la produzione dei rifiuti è un fattore che può essere governato con una politica che guarda alla sostenibilità e al consumo intelligente dei materiali. Per raggiungere l’obiettivo Rifiuti Zero, infatti, non basta che i cittadini facciano la raccolta differenziata, ma occorre anche usare prodotti fatti con materiali riutilizzabili e riciclabili al 100%.
Per questo motivo Marineo è impegnata fortemente nella “Campagna Nazionale porta la sporta” (16-23 aprile 2011) avente come obiettivo la riduzione dell’uso dei sacchetti di plastica a favore di modelli di consumo sostenibili come la sporta riutilizzabile. Con un’apposita order of union as early as December 2010 the City gave a great impetus to efforts to educate people on the disuse of plastic bags and promote the use of sport as a tool to combat disposable. The Campaign against the "disposable" will culminate in April with the distribution of bags to all pupils in schools Marineo. The bags were financed by the ESCO Alaimo Favara, energy partner of the City of Marineo, with which they are implementing several projects in the field of renewable energy and sustainable development.
Marineo has also joined the "EU Sustainable Energy Week" (European Week of Sustainable energy) from 11 to 15 April 2011, with events and activities which will involve the younger generation and with the collaboration of the Forest Service and local associations. The May 6 meeting with the International Marineo to Zero Waste in 2020 "with the participation of scholars and experts in the field of sustainable development policies, including the prof. Connett, we will study new forms of development and experimental models with the objective of "Zero Waste".
"In the last year - says Mayor Frank Ribaudo - the experience of our municipality has shown that the increase in waste is no longer an unchangeable given, ma solo un fattore che può essere governato con il coraggio di una politica orientata alla sostenibilità e alla necessità di scelte coraggiose e concrete per un comune futuro possibile. Grazie alla grande partecipazione della cittadinanza, alla professionalità di chi gestisce il servizio, all’impegno politico in tante campagne di sensibilizzazione e promozione nelle scuole, esercizi commerciali e la cittadinanza tutta. Con la raccolta domiciliare abbiamo superato la quota di raccolta differenziata dell’50%, con una riduzione complessiva dei costi, una città più pulita, un miglioramento del decoro urbano. Infatti, a Marineo tutti i cassonetti sono stati rimossi: la riduzione delle tariffe alla cittadinanza ed una riduzione annua of the total production of waste we can be proud of their work. The policy is that if he can mature awareness, if feeds participation, where democracy is growing and the leadership of the community. Our goal is to unite these urgent needs for participation, the urgency of preserving our environment, our common home dall'insostenibilità degradation and is the first mission of a good administration. "
"Zero Waste - Greek says Charles, a consultant for environmental and energy policies - is not a utopia, but an essential objective to try to build a more sustainable, also changing habits and our lifestyles. Through the act of accession to the Zero Waste Strategy, the City of Marineo undertakes to take the path towards the final goal of 2020, establishing for 2011 exceeding the 60% recycling and 65% for 2012, combining these objectives with a constant commitment aimed at reducing the total waste production by 2020. "
Press Release City of Marineo (PA)