Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nadia Björlin Upskirt

Open Letter to Hon. Raffaele Lombardo, President of Sicily Region.

Palermo 30/01/2011
With this letter the Associations mentioned below please remember, the Hon. Lombardo Governor, that the installations for the disposal of solid waste are based on combustion (incinerators, cement kilns and furnaces) and those operating in the absence of oxygen, such as pyrolysis, dissociation Molecular torches and plasma gasification, resulting in emissions of pollutants in the waste is often not as the carcinogenic organochlorine (Dioxins, dibenzofurans, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and the equally dangerous nano-particles.

The above associations argue that, as an alternative to these dangerous plants, there are systems of cold treatment of residual undifferentiated fraction of waste; and in particular, the remaining portion of the plastics used is an extruder that operates at low temperature (100 - 200 ° C) producing synthetic sand (such as plant Vedelago). All systems much cheaper than incineration, which create greater employment and the achievement of which involves months and years.

course the preconditions for successful di un buon trattamento dei RSU sta in una raccolta differenziata porta a porta, in un compostaggio della frazione umida e nel riciclaggio delle altre frazioni, solo così si genera una frazione indifferenziata davvero modesta.

Invitiamo pertanto l’On. Presidente Lombardo, in vista della prossima uscita del Piano regionale dei Rifiuti, a tenere conto di quanto da noi sostenuto, riservandoci di fornire, a Sua richiesta, amplia documentazione scientifica recente, che mette in evidenza quanto da noi prospettato. Ed intanto ci pregiamo allegare una sintesi (con 21 note scientifiche internazionali) della monografia dal titolo “DANNI ALLA SALUTE UMANA PROVENIENTI DALL’INCENERIMENTO DEI RIFIUTI”; integral are given in the note over seventy international scientific notes on the subject.

Finally we would urge, on. Commissioner Lombardo, for immediate implementation of measures aimed at start-emergency, as promised, the collection drive throughout the island and to speed up the commissioning and construction of facilities to serve this, or composting facilities and Selection of dry fractions from differentiated collection, as well as those operating at low temperature type MBT (Mechanical Biological Treatment). We also ask that only this type of systems are intended Funds FAS used in the waste sector.

Zero Waste Zero Waste
Messina Palermo Trapani
Zero Waste Decontamination
Sicily Island Association of Clean
Constituent ecologist Syracuse
Provincial Coordination Committees Citizens Ennesi


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