Monday, January 24, 2011

How Long Before Impetigo Shows

Gita a Mantova

Finally, after months in which we tried to book almost anywhere and the only answers we received were sorry we are full or try again in a few months, we were able to enjoy even the last Smart Box package we had.

Who does not remember, me and a boyfriend - lots of very fancy - for our tenth anniversary we have given away, without knowing it, without leaving clues, without having the least organized, a package Smart Box. That is one of those little boxes where the inside, through a booklet in which to choose, you can book somewhere and have organized a weekend.

Well, after many vicissitudes, this past weekend we went to Mantua.

The gardens of Palazzo Te

I'll be honest: I was surprised as a citizen.
In some very positive things .. in some other 'negative.

The historical center, Piazza delle Erbe, Palazzo Ducale, the narrow streets and the Cathedral, are truly magnificent. The tranquility and calmness that enveloped the whole city is completely surrounding the tourists.

One of the rivers crossing the city

The various canals running through the city, or the lakes that surround it - created by the River Mincio - then make it almost magical, mysterious.

But, I admit, the thing that disappointed me was the Palazzo Te. Maybe because I imagined
huge, bright and large (I imagined a little 'how Venaria ) .. and instead I found myself before I'm 'building, with two gardens shriveled .. a pretty sad!

Square Virgiliana

say that in principle it was still worth a trip worth taking. Especially for agnolini in stock!

And you, we've never been to Mantua?


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