Thursday, January 27, 2011

Corporate Anniversary Cakes

Waste management in Sicily, back to square one. "In the anti-mafia measures plan".

Source: Daily Sicily PALERMO
January 27, 2010 - "The confirmation of a turnaround in the system of waste management in Sicily you will only have with the new regional plan, which will hopefully be launched soon, is in full harmony with the European and national legislation on the matter and put an end to emergency phase. " Just hours after the presentation of the report produced by the Palermo parliamentary commission of inquiry into the activities related to the cycle of waste in Sicily, which was approved by the Chamber of Deputies last week, the topic is the subject of various interventions. The speaker is also the secretary general of the CGIL Sicilia Mariella May. For the union, "the plan must be accompanied by measures against mafia infiltration in procurement and subcontracting, to make the protocols of law due to be signed carpet" and must "respect the priorities of the European legislation are in order, reduction, recycling, reuse and recycling. " As for the waste-secretary of the CGIL, having pointed out that "the band then lifted the CGIL and environmental groups had prepared promptly file a complaint itself as the first people to report irregularities and distortions," said the "opposition within the CGIL ' use of cement, since the incineration process that needs the latest technology to avoid environmental damage. On energy plants we hope then that the region is exempt to any diktat from Rome. " The regional plan for waste also in May "will not go into details of the closure of the integrated cycle, to be established by the ATO, which will acquire a plant suitable for all steps following the collection. For the latter goal is already a law that should be raised to the scheme within a year. "
occasion, Mimmo Fontana, president of Legambiente Sicilia, addressed an invitation: "It is necessary that the regional government declared the emergency and closed it again from the Ars reform law approved in April 2010." Fontana, as well as expressing satisfaction with the results of the Commission, "which confirmed once again the correctness of the allegations of Legambiente," he pointed out that "Any choice must be geared to health protection and maximum efficiency of the system. This automatically excludes the construction of incinerators, which are the most expensive and takes longer to achieve. However, we must eliminate the distortion caused by the emergency that allows companies that are burning to make the doping speculation in the financial market with access to state aid for renewable energy (Cip 6) and address the market in a situation of real economic competition between the various options in the citizen's Sicilian. "


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