Monday, January 17, 2011

How Bad Is Sorority Initiation

Paul Connett in Calabria 17 to 19 January 2011

Paul Connett in Calabria dal 17 al 19 Gennaio 2011
sei appuntamenti per elaborare la proposta del movimento
sull’emergenza rifiuti

Secondo il Piano Regionale sui Rifiuti Calabria region, each province should manage independently their own waste. At the same time it is renewed for 14 years Outstanding Management, are granted extraordinary powers to a Commissioner of Government in the name of this now elusive Emergency and obvious incompatibility with the Plan, does not allow normal operation of waste management. A disastrous management of the commissioner Calabresi, as reported recently by the Prefect Antonio Roger: hundreds of millions of euro paid by the citizens without solving this alleged emergency but an emergency can last 14 years? To denounce the contradictions of the Calabrian system of waste and work to formulate a alternative model the Network for the Defense of the Land "Franco Nisticò" , together with the National Network Zero Waste, to ' National Association of Law and the Future Local Committee, is organizing a series of events that will take advantage the presence of Prof. Paul Connett , Professor Emeritus of Environmental Chemistry at St. Lawrence University in upstate New York, which illustrate the Zero Waste Strategy, which is the initiator and promoter in the world.
Contrary to what proponents of a cycle of waste consists of expensive equipment and high environmental impact ( incinerators and mega-disco ic), resulting in damage to health or the pockets of citizens, the Zero Waste strategy, based on the redesign of industrial products, waste reduction at source, reuse, recycling and waste collection drive door to door, is not only respectful of the land and the health of humans, but is much more economical and able to create many jobs: a model of successful management in short, even promoted by President Obama, and applied all over the world (Ireland, , San Francisco, Sydney, Canberra) and Italy (Capannori - Lu and the other 29 "virtuous community").
Below is the calendar of events:
January 17 hours 17 Lamezia Terme - Teatro Umberto
January 18 at 11 Vibo Valentia - Liceo Classico Morelli, Via XXV Aprile, 1
January 18 16:30 Vibo Marina - Auditorium Jubilee 2000 Parish Church, Via S. Anna.
January 18 19.30 San Calogero - Socio Cultural Center (formerly SAUB) - via Jetsemani.
January 19 10:30 Rosarno - Liceo Scientifico "R. Piria" - by Modigliani, 5.
17.30 Rosarno January 19 - Municipal Auditorium - Via Umberto I

Who says health and environment are ideological issues or do not know the topic or in bad faith. Worry about these issues is the moral duty of every adult of every parent and every public administrator. To all of them should be our call to attend meetings and do their part so the choices are taken in the interests of citizens and not the multinationals.

generations to come we do not forgive the damage that they're doing.
Lorenzo Tomatis, founder of the Lyon IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer)

Press Network for the Defense of the Land "Franco Nisticò"


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