Monday, January 31, 2011

Does Yogurt Cause Gout

Chi dice cosa

The body was sacred.
Even in death, and the choice of death, was observed.

- Hector Parra (in the book Maya - Tomorrow, 2012 )

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Society Impact On Agoraphobia

Meme libroso 2010

Federica now knows me, knows that the meme to me are like honey to bees, and then I shot never back when I proposed one.
This time it's going down memory lane and revisit a bit 'all the books read during the year just ended, and I know that I will have to ask for help to my Library virtual Anobii .

Ready? Go!

1) How many books have you read in 2010?
I've read 35. And one that reads 15 minutes at lunch and the rest only in my transfer train, is already a great success.

2) How many fiction and those who were not?
If you want fiction books from which they drew television series or films, then I would say 6: 4 in the saga of True Blood and 2 of the saga of the Vampire's Diary .

3) How many writers and many writers?
For the record, 29 girls and 6 boys.

4) The best book you read?
The top of the stars have been attributed to more than one book, but the best - in this case Sharpening - by far was the saga of Luna and Mirta .

5) And the worst?
Undoubtedly The twelfth victim Iris Johansen.

6) The oldest book you read?
The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan, published in 1990.

7) And the latest? Demon's
angel released in late 2010 - in fact I bought it shortly after the sale ..

8) What is the book with the longest title?
Just after the rain and just before the sun Silvia Ponzo.

9) And the one with the shortest title?
Demons Geena Showalter.

10) How many books have you read again?
None. I do not like rereading books, perhaps because most of them almost perfectly remember the stories.

11) And what would you read?
Right now I would say Wuthering Heights, but I know that after a few pages would remember the story perfectly.

12) The most widely read books by the same author?
tied three authors: Geena Showalter, Charlaine Harris and Maggie Shayne .

13) How many books written by Italian authors?
Three books Chiara Palazzolo, a Silvia and Brena Iginio Straffi, one of a Walter and Silvia Ponzo Peirone.

14) And how many of the books read were taken to the library?
None. Do not go to libraries, books I read are all strictly purchased (otherwise how would I highlight the most important steps or favorite quotes?).

15) Of the books read, how many were ebook?
None: I once tried to read through pc and I lost the thread 47 times in a row. Not for me: I prefer to flick through the pages by hand!

And now happy to pass it this meme:
Giringirella , passionate reader and traveler
Iaia Mom, because I know it's a bookworm .. and loves to answer questions!
Black Arcana, which I have never seen complete a meme, but reads a lot of books, awesome!
And anyone willing to do it!

Nadia Björlin Upskirt

Open Letter to Hon. Raffaele Lombardo, President of Sicily Region.

Palermo 30/01/2011
With this letter the Associations mentioned below please remember, the Hon. Lombardo Governor, that the installations for the disposal of solid waste are based on combustion (incinerators, cement kilns and furnaces) and those operating in the absence of oxygen, such as pyrolysis, dissociation Molecular torches and plasma gasification, resulting in emissions of pollutants in the waste is often not as the carcinogenic organochlorine (Dioxins, dibenzofurans, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) and the equally dangerous nano-particles.

The above associations argue that, as an alternative to these dangerous plants, there are systems of cold treatment of residual undifferentiated fraction of waste; and in particular, the remaining portion of the plastics used is an extruder that operates at low temperature (100 - 200 ° C) producing synthetic sand (such as plant Vedelago). All systems much cheaper than incineration, which create greater employment and the achievement of which involves months and years.

course the preconditions for successful di un buon trattamento dei RSU sta in una raccolta differenziata porta a porta, in un compostaggio della frazione umida e nel riciclaggio delle altre frazioni, solo così si genera una frazione indifferenziata davvero modesta.

Invitiamo pertanto l’On. Presidente Lombardo, in vista della prossima uscita del Piano regionale dei Rifiuti, a tenere conto di quanto da noi sostenuto, riservandoci di fornire, a Sua richiesta, amplia documentazione scientifica recente, che mette in evidenza quanto da noi prospettato. Ed intanto ci pregiamo allegare una sintesi (con 21 note scientifiche internazionali) della monografia dal titolo “DANNI ALLA SALUTE UMANA PROVENIENTI DALL’INCENERIMENTO DEI RIFIUTI”; integral are given in the note over seventy international scientific notes on the subject.

Finally we would urge, on. Commissioner Lombardo, for immediate implementation of measures aimed at start-emergency, as promised, the collection drive throughout the island and to speed up the commissioning and construction of facilities to serve this, or composting facilities and Selection of dry fractions from differentiated collection, as well as those operating at low temperature type MBT (Mechanical Biological Treatment). We also ask that only this type of systems are intended Funds FAS used in the waste sector.

Zero Waste Zero Waste
Messina Palermo Trapani
Zero Waste Decontamination
Sicily Island Association of Clean
Constituent ecologist Syracuse
Provincial Coordination Committees Citizens Ennesi

Friday, January 28, 2011

Traditional Wear Of Ecuador


Some time ago I read an article on the Internet on the future death of one of the stars of Fantastic 4 comic .
Frankly it does not upset me that much, because I've never been a big fan of them.

The topic came up a few days after talking with the boyfriend and a friend.
The boyfriend - he is not huge fan of the quartet in question - said that the only character who could die, he said, was Johnny Storm, aka The Human Torch .
The speech, however, end there.

Today, reading the blog of Reganisso , and finding confirmation in La Stampa, I find that the poor of the fantastic quartet that will leave us is just the pens, needless to say, Johnny Storm.

Or the boyfriend has full power of foresight - and in this regard I wonder why it has not yet won the Lotto. Or is it an absolute

my idea to me I've made!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Corporate Anniversary Cakes

Waste management in Sicily, back to square one. "In the anti-mafia measures plan".

Source: Daily Sicily PALERMO
January 27, 2010 - "The confirmation of a turnaround in the system of waste management in Sicily you will only have with the new regional plan, which will hopefully be launched soon, is in full harmony with the European and national legislation on the matter and put an end to emergency phase. " Just hours after the presentation of the report produced by the Palermo parliamentary commission of inquiry into the activities related to the cycle of waste in Sicily, which was approved by the Chamber of Deputies last week, the topic is the subject of various interventions. The speaker is also the secretary general of the CGIL Sicilia Mariella May. For the union, "the plan must be accompanied by measures against mafia infiltration in procurement and subcontracting, to make the protocols of law due to be signed carpet" and must "respect the priorities of the European legislation are in order, reduction, recycling, reuse and recycling. " As for the waste-secretary of the CGIL, having pointed out that "the band then lifted the CGIL and environmental groups had prepared promptly file a complaint itself as the first people to report irregularities and distortions," said the "opposition within the CGIL ' use of cement, since the incineration process that needs the latest technology to avoid environmental damage. On energy plants we hope then that the region is exempt to any diktat from Rome. " The regional plan for waste also in May "will not go into details of the closure of the integrated cycle, to be established by the ATO, which will acquire a plant suitable for all steps following the collection. For the latter goal is already a law that should be raised to the scheme within a year. "
occasion, Mimmo Fontana, president of Legambiente Sicilia, addressed an invitation: "It is necessary that the regional government declared the emergency and closed it again from the Ars reform law approved in April 2010." Fontana, as well as expressing satisfaction with the results of the Commission, "which confirmed once again the correctness of the allegations of Legambiente," he pointed out that "Any choice must be geared to health protection and maximum efficiency of the system. This automatically excludes the construction of incinerators, which are the most expensive and takes longer to achieve. However, we must eliminate the distortion caused by the emergency that allows companies that are burning to make the doping speculation in the financial market with access to state aid for renewable energy (Cip 6) and address the market in a situation of real economic competition between the various options in the citizen's Sicilian. "

How To Clean A Goodman Furnace

Meme regaloso

few days ago, dear Federica has rewarded me with Stylish Blogger Awards , with the excuse that - now you know very well - I can not say no to a meme.

In fact, between the rules of this award, as well as to pass then to 7 bloggers, there is also the one that says, shamelessly, to tell 7 things me.

Now. Come to think much has already been said more or less explicitly, and find other is difficult for me.
But I'll try to run the cerebellum as it should.

I like to go crazy fingers Kinder milk. The
eat since they are little, a little 'how does Licia Colo.

I would be able to eat the entire package at a time, but fortunately I can stop in time.
Just to leave some finger for the next day.

are a couple of years now I play World of Warcraft, a video game for PC. Initially non mi convinceva molto, ed infatti per fare i primi 30 livelli ci avrò impiegato 1 anno. Poi, non so bene come o perchè, mi ha convinto di più.
Ed ora tutte le sere almeno 1 oretta ci gioco, insieme al moroso e ad altri amici (fortunatamente è online).

Quando ero bambina, farmi prendere una pastiglia era praticamente impossibile.
Quelle rare volte in cui sono stata costretta, mia mamma ha cercato in tutti i modi di farmele ingoiare: triturandomele nell'acqua, addirittura facendomele mangiare con dei biscotti (un po' come si fa con i cani, ed è tutto detto ..).
Immancabilmente riuscivo a mangiare ciò che c'era attorno e a sputare the murder weapon.
Then, in cases of life, I had to start taking the contraceptive pill.
Here .. since i am also taking antibiotics pastiglioni with half a finger of water without batting an eyelid!

When I'm in the car, alone, singing their hearts out.
But just screaming. I identify with the singer to turn and throw my words to the wind.

in winter.

In the summer, with the excuse of the windows down, usually I stay silent and simply listen.

I would not want the poor bystanders are forced to hear my voice, not just from nightingale!

On my desk, between the PC keyboard and the alarm apple-shaped orange, I have a pen in leather, brown, engraved with my name in italics.

will have at least 20/25 years old minimum.

had been made by my teachers in elementary and we were given, if I do not remember a Christmas or the end of the 5th grade.

The fact is that since then she's always on my desk.
A little 'faded, but present.

Always on my desk, but in the shelf top, between the speakers and the Dolby Playstation, there is a Snoopy plush fabric.
wearing a red jersey with his name written, and the patched nose with a handkerchief with flowers, not to squeeze out the stuffing, made by my mom.

has the beauty of 29 years.
was given to me by my brother at my third birthday, and he followed me in every move.
The boyfriend tries to throw it every now and then, but they always managed to save it!

in a box flowers, in the lowest shelf of the cabinet, I keep the strangest things, greeting cards, brochures or other items that I have picked up since there is a boyfriend.

Among other things contained, we are all - and I stress the word all - train tickets used in 11 years. Strictly

divided for years and held together by rubber bands different than those to be stapled together in the same weekend.

Now the most interesting but also more challenging: to choose 7 bloggers to pass on the prize - and the incumbency of the meme.

Well, after several minutes of thought, my ranking is as follows:

Chiara, because I know that she, too, deep down, when in the mood, loves to answer these questions absurd!
Reganisso , because it kills me every time he is some actor in some movies and that only she can recognize!
Bookaholic , which I follow closely to its literary reviews!
Moma, who with his adventures in books, colleagues, instructors and Dude, I enjoy it every time!
clouds, for his stories with half apple, with the moon and the fish!
Siberja , I've just met but that I really appreciate how do write .. and photos!
Maffy , blogger .. Traveling .. photographer .. friend ..

Come on, now I want to read your answers!

Monday, January 24, 2011

How Long Before Impetigo Shows

Gita a Mantova

Finally, after months in which we tried to book almost anywhere and the only answers we received were sorry we are full or try again in a few months, we were able to enjoy even the last Smart Box package we had.

Who does not remember, me and a boyfriend - lots of very fancy - for our tenth anniversary we have given away, without knowing it, without leaving clues, without having the least organized, a package Smart Box. That is one of those little boxes where the inside, through a booklet in which to choose, you can book somewhere and have organized a weekend.

Well, after many vicissitudes, this past weekend we went to Mantua.

The gardens of Palazzo Te

I'll be honest: I was surprised as a citizen.
In some very positive things .. in some other 'negative.

The historical center, Piazza delle Erbe, Palazzo Ducale, the narrow streets and the Cathedral, are truly magnificent. The tranquility and calmness that enveloped the whole city is completely surrounding the tourists.

One of the rivers crossing the city

The various canals running through the city, or the lakes that surround it - created by the River Mincio - then make it almost magical, mysterious.

But, I admit, the thing that disappointed me was the Palazzo Te. Maybe because I imagined
huge, bright and large (I imagined a little 'how Venaria ) .. and instead I found myself before I'm 'building, with two gardens shriveled .. a pretty sad!

Square Virgiliana

say that in principle it was still worth a trip worth taking. Especially for agnolini in stock!

And you, we've never been to Mantua?

Should I Exercise Every Night

Ragusa Ibla: Zero Waste conference, management strategies and waste reduction.

will be held in Dubrovnik Ibla next January 27 at 9:00 am at the auditorium of St. Vincent Ferrer conference on "Zero Waste-management strategies and waste reduction."
The conference is organized by the City of Dubrovnik from Svi.Med Onlus, the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Sustainable Development.
Among the speakers: Emma Burgin, John Ferrari, Alessio Ciacci, Raphael Smith, Roberto Cavalli, Federico Vagliasindi, Patrizia Lo Sciuto, Fabio Ferreri, Vito Digeronimo and John Iacono. Salvatore Occhipinti
will close the work, the environment commissioner of the City of Dubrovnik. The conference will be moderated by John Iacono, Svi.Med Onlus. Live streaming

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Colour Eyebrown Before After

Madrid, comes from recycled rifituti hotel. And the facade has a theme.

Corona Beach is called Garbage Hotel is located in Madrid, Plaza Callao. It 'the only hotel in the world built with recyclable waste collected on beaches in Europe. He created the German artist HA Schult , who wanted to "play back an image of our era." Even with a facade theme.


Monday, January 17, 2011

How Bad Is Sorority Initiation

Paul Connett in Calabria 17 to 19 January 2011

Paul Connett in Calabria dal 17 al 19 Gennaio 2011
sei appuntamenti per elaborare la proposta del movimento
sull’emergenza rifiuti

Secondo il Piano Regionale sui Rifiuti Calabria region, each province should manage independently their own waste. At the same time it is renewed for 14 years Outstanding Management, are granted extraordinary powers to a Commissioner of Government in the name of this now elusive Emergency and obvious incompatibility with the Plan, does not allow normal operation of waste management. A disastrous management of the commissioner Calabresi, as reported recently by the Prefect Antonio Roger: hundreds of millions of euro paid by the citizens without solving this alleged emergency but an emergency can last 14 years? To denounce the contradictions of the Calabrian system of waste and work to formulate a alternative model the Network for the Defense of the Land "Franco Nisticò" , together with the National Network Zero Waste, to ' National Association of Law and the Future Local Committee, is organizing a series of events that will take advantage the presence of Prof. Paul Connett , Professor Emeritus of Environmental Chemistry at St. Lawrence University in upstate New York, which illustrate the Zero Waste Strategy, which is the initiator and promoter in the world.
Contrary to what proponents of a cycle of waste consists of expensive equipment and high environmental impact ( incinerators and mega-disco ic), resulting in damage to health or the pockets of citizens, the Zero Waste strategy, based on the redesign of industrial products, waste reduction at source, reuse, recycling and waste collection drive door to door, is not only respectful of the land and the health of humans, but is much more economical and able to create many jobs: a model of successful management in short, even promoted by President Obama, and applied all over the world (Ireland, , San Francisco, Sydney, Canberra) and Italy (Capannori - Lu and the other 29 "virtuous community").
Below is the calendar of events:
January 17 hours 17 Lamezia Terme - Teatro Umberto
January 18 at 11 Vibo Valentia - Liceo Classico Morelli, Via XXV Aprile, 1
January 18 16:30 Vibo Marina - Auditorium Jubilee 2000 Parish Church, Via S. Anna.
January 18 19.30 San Calogero - Socio Cultural Center (formerly SAUB) - via Jetsemani.
January 19 10:30 Rosarno - Liceo Scientifico "R. Piria" - by Modigliani, 5.
17.30 Rosarno January 19 - Municipal Auditorium - Via Umberto I

Who says health and environment are ideological issues or do not know the topic or in bad faith. Worry about these issues is the moral duty of every adult of every parent and every public administrator. To all of them should be our call to attend meetings and do their part so the choices are taken in the interests of citizens and not the multinationals.

generations to come we do not forgive the damage that they're doing.
Lorenzo Tomatis, founder of the Lyon IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer)

Press Network for the Defense of the Land "Franco Nisticò"