Friday, March 4, 2011

Snowboard Cupcake Toppers

CALATAFIMI SEGESTA TP1 TA LAND OF PHOENICIANS: RECYCLING virtuous example of the 2010 for the Region.

Si è svolto martedì 1 marzo 2011 presso i locali del Museo San Francesco a Calatafimi Segesta l'incontro dal titolo "Calatafimi Segesta e l’Ato Tp1 Terra dei Fenici, esempi virtuosi nella raccolta differenziata 2010 della Regione Sicilia" e “Problematiche amianto sull’ambiente”. Erano presenti all’incontro, oltre che un folto pubblico costituito da cittadini, il Sindaco di Calatafimi Segesta N. Ferrara e l’ F. Gruppuso, per l’Ato Terra dei Fenici S.p.A. l’ Ing. S. Alestra, per l’Agesp il Dott. G. Bongiorno and P. Daidone and for the County Chairman Mrs G. Turano. The town of Segesta Calatafimi
, in 2010, reached 64% of waste collection by gaining the leadership among all the municipalities of the territorial scope of the ATO TP1. The City has shown great commitment to the hard work put in place and targets achieved in the percentage of waste collection. The administration headed by Mayor Ferrara has distinguished itself for its commitment, through the collaboration of all its citizens, showing sensitivity, sense of responsibility and good citizenship. During the meeting they discussed the arrangements for services performed during the first year of harvest and the changes will be made to improve the same. He also presented the 2011 calendar containing all relevant information about recycling and collection calendar with day and hour depending on type of waste.
was also discussed on the risks run by the company ATO TP1 with the application of regional law that provides for the dissolution of the ATO and the shift in SRR It was stressed that to increase the percentage of recycling is necessary to improve the quality of separation waste with the commitment of citizens. E 'was also presented the project of a plant to supply the wet fraction and its transformation into quality compost, be implemented on the territory of Segesta Calatafimi on a property confiscated from the Mafia. Thanks to the quality of the collected material and the establishment of the plants will decrease the cost of the service. During the meeting, signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the City and the company AGESP concerning the transport and disposal of "asbestos cement." With this agreement, all interested citizens and residents or owners of properties in Segesta Calatafimi will receive, on request, of a reduction in costs for the service. Thanks to the efforts of administrators and citizens who have shown sensitivity to the environment and respect the rules of civil coexistence, The assistance of the City of Segesta Calatafimi is an important example for the entire province of Trapani.

Source: Ato site TP1 Land of the Phoenicians


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