Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Capsule coffee 'disposable': Opening a comparison between the Capannori, AIIPA and Politecnico di Torino.

Press Release Capannori (LU)

has opened a phase of confrontation between the representatives of Capannori and Zero Waste Research Center, the AIIPA (Italian Association of Food Products, the coffee sector), the Italian Association of Municipalities virtuous and the Polytechnic of Turin to assess possible recovery systems and recycling coffee capsules. And 'the important result that emerged from a meeting on Wednesday, February 23 and kindly hosted by the Innovation Center of Lavazza in Turin, after a few weeks ago, the Research Center of the City Zero Waste had written an open letter to one of the most important Italian coffee by subjecting to the attention of the difficulty of disposing of coffee capsules 'disposable' that currently end up in the undifferentiated waste.
The meeting was attended by the deputy in the City, Alessio Ciacci, the controller Zero Waste Centre of the City, Rossano Ercolini, along with two researchers, Valerio Bordoni AIIPA director, responsible for coffee AIIPA Gianni Forni, Giovanni Camino Department of Material Science and Chemical Engineering at the Politecnico di Torino, Gianluca Fioretti President of the Association of Italian Municipalities
Virtuosi and Roberto Cavalli AICA International Association of Environmental Communication. "I can be proud of the birth of this partnership - said the mayor, Giorgio Del Ghingaro - which sees Capannori to the table with key actors such as the AIIP e il Politecnico di Torino. Si tratta di un ulteriore riconoscimento della bontà delle politiche ambientali che da anni stiamo portando avanti  e che ci pongono all'avanguardia in Toscana e in Italia. Sono certo che da questa nuova esperienza scaturiranno risultati  positivi per la salvaguardia dell'ambiente e la qualità della vota dei cittadini". "Siamo molto soddisfatti dell'esito dell'incontro - sostiene l'assessore Alessio Ciacci- dal quale è nata una collaborazione che credo possa portare a  risultati positivi. Ritengo che  si sia avviata un'esperienza innovativa and virtuous in the field of environmental sustainability and good practice, which sees around the same table with local authorities, business community, universities and research centers. "" A meeting was held in a very positive atmosphere creating a important constructive confrontation between the two delegations - AIIPA-states. On this basis it will keep open a dialogue about the progress of their projects. "


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