Ore 8.00 Sparo di mortaretti offerti dalla Premiata ditta Palmieri di Apricena
Ore 17,00 Giro per le strade cittadine dell’Orchestra di Fiati Città di Ischitella
Ore 20.15 Sparo di mortaretti offerti della Premiata ditta Pirodaunia
Ltd and contemporary lighting of the spectacular lights by the company Gennaro De Angelis
Market St. Severino (SA)
Saturday, May 23
8.00 cracker shots offered by the award-winning firm of Palmieri Apricena
9.30 Tour through the streets of the big prize Wind Orchestra "F. Fenaroli" City of Lancaster. 10.00 am
Piazza dei Mille Matinee Music Wind Orchestra of the big prize "F. Fenaroli" City of Lancaster conducted by Maestro Michael Milone.
20:00 pm soccer fields at the sports complex "The Boar" Via S. Marco - Final 4 Tournament of Soccer Trophy Maria SS. Crowned "organized by the Festival Committee
19.30 pm Tour through the streets of the big prize Wind Orchestra" F. Fenaroli "City of Lancaster.
20:30 pm Holy Family Parish Auditorium - Concert in honor of the opera "Maria SS. Crowned "the Association Incanto" Hvar-Apricena "
21.00 Piazza dei Mille Soirée Music Wind Orchestra of the big prize" F. Fenaroli "City of Lancaster conducted by Maestro Michael Milone.
Special guest: MARIO from "FRIENDS" NOEMI from "X-FACTOR" Karim from "SANREMO" A Ceremony of follow soccer tournament
0:30 pm Sports Field Via S. Paul - Fireworks offered by EUROSPAR Olga Cesareo Ltd and South Aggregates Ltd Di Maso
Sunday, May 24
8.00 cracker shots offered by the award-winning firm of Palmieri Apricena
9.00 Tour through the streets of Awarded the Great Wind Orchestra "F. Fenaroli" City of Lancaster. 10.00 am
Piazza dei Mille Matinee Music Wind Orchestra of the big prize "F. Fenaroli" City of Lancaster conducted by Maestro Michael Milone.
11.00 am Sparo di mortaretti offerti della Premiata ditta Pirodaunia srl
Ore 19.00 Giro per le strade cittadine della Premiata Grande Orchestra di Fiati “F.Fenaroli” Città di Lanciano.
Ore 19.30 Piazza A. Costa – dal progetto “Scuole Aperte”: “Capriccio Musicale” esibizione del piccolo coro degli alunni della Scuola primaria di Apricena
Ore 21.00 Piazza dei Mille – Concerto Sinfonico della Premiata Grande Orchestra di Fiati “F.Fenaroli” Città di Lanciano diretti dal Maestro Michele Milone.
Ore 22.00 Piazza Federico II – live international show from Milano:
Ore 0.30 Campo Sports Via S. Paul - Fireworks offered by members of the Cooperativa Agricola Apricena, calcified Gargano Grup.Pa.
Monday, May 25
8.00 cracker shots offered by the award-winning firm of Palmieri Apricena
17.00 Tour through the streets of City Wind Orchestra Ischitella
20.00 cracker shots offered Premiata Company Ltd Pirodaunia
21.00 Piazzale Paul Tailors - Fireworks offered by the artisans.
Sanctuary 22:30 pm - Fireworks by farmers
Ore 23:00 Piazza A. Costa - PANEL'S PACKAGE BAND in concert with the extraordinary participation of directly from Mudu UCCIO DE SANTIS "
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