Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How To Fix A Shake Flashlight

Il progetto "Mele antiche"

There is a territory in the northern part of the Province of Pordenone, where the floor rises almost imperceptibly, merging with the rise of the first foothills of the forms still soft and wavy, wooded, sprinkled with small villages and hamlets scattered: there are the "locations APPLES. "
E 'an area where agriculture was practiced family style and the numerous fields, arranged in different directions depending on the property, formed a real messy embroidery, perhaps not very efficient, but very nice to see and identification for the people who worked there.
One of the crops cared more for the economic importance of the contribution and for the consistent integration which provided food, was the orchard and in a special way, the cultivation of apple trees.
The quantities produced, but above all the goodness of these apples was likely to be appreciated even in the most distant in fact, the apples of this region were exported to Austria and even in far away Egypt.
Then, as in other places, here too the start of industrialization (in this territory is Maniago, a famous center of cutlery), and heightened expectations that an economy microagricoltura certainly could not meet, led to the progressive abandonment of his practice and the consequent danger of missing as purely indigenous plants and of great genetic value. In fact, these plants produce their fruit without any chemical treatments or radical pruning, giving the lucky viewer a genetically intact fruit, generous style, rich in vitamins, absolutely free of foreign chemical elements.
Today, a group of sensitive people, who love this region and its history, has created the "Association of Amateur Antique Apples", which has about fifty volunteers who have set themselves the goal of the rediscovery of Survey, conservation and revaluation of all those qualities are still present, with a view to ensuring the survival of the species and to promote their reintegration in a market, albeit niche.


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