Sunday, May 23, 2010
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Oiling Manfrotto Tripod Head
In the International Year of Biodiversity 'Association Amateur Mele Antique and the City of Maniago, in collaboration with the Province of Pordenone , University of Udine ERSA organize a CONFERENCE ON BIODIVERSITY CULTIVATED
Saturday, May 8, 2010 9:30 am Meeting Room Public Library via Battiferri, 1 - Maniago (PN)
- Speakers:
Prof. Ruggero Osler - lecturer at the University of Udine (Biodiversity plant: origins, characteristics and implications for agro-environmental);
ENOS Prof. Costantini - scholar of history and traditions of viticulture and rural (local grape varieties);
Prof. Josef Parente - lecturer at the University of Udine (project of the Amateur Mele Antique).
also speakers include: Dr. Constantine
Cattivelli-ERSA (bean between past and future);
Dr. Peter Candon - Province of Pordenone (the old garden).
- Moderator: Prof.
VIANELLO ANGELO - Professor, University of Udine.
Info 3338429136-3492845722