AM Saturday, March 28, 2009, 10:00
former psychiatric hospital in Arezzo Area
Inauguration of the monument dedicated to the victims of the asylum
Caesar Bondioli, Centre Franco Basaglia "Arezzo
" Memory of the Red Roofs, "survey of the buildings that were home to psychiatric wards e visione dei pannelli che ricordano le funzioni svolte in ciascuno degli stabilimenti
Scoprimento dell'opera da parte del Prof. Agostino Pirella alla presenza degli scultori Matteo Maggio e Paolo Bacci
Presentazione di scabia registra teatrale
In rappresentanza di S.E. Mons. Gualtiero Bassetti, Vescovo della Diocesi di Arezzo Sansepolcro Cortona provvederà alla benedizione dell'opera, Mons. Tullio Cappelli
Alla presenza di AutoritÃ
Enrico Rossi, Assessore per il Diritto alla Salute Regione Toscana
Giuseppe Fanfani, Sindaco di Arezzo
Emanuela Caroti,Assessore alla Cultura della Provincia di Arezzo
Monica Calamai, Direttore Generale Az. USL8 di Arezzo
Camillo Brezzi, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities
Roberto Fabbriciani, Giuliano Scabia
Musician, Playwright
Arezzo, March 25 - L 'ex-psychiatric hospital in Arezzo is home to a monument dedicated to victims of violence asylum. The work is the work of two young Tuscan sculptors, Matthew May and Paul Bacci , winners of the special ideas competition launched by the center for health promotion entitled Franco Dr.
''E 'a monument, unique in Italy and probably in the world - said the Province of Arezzo - is in Carrara marble and want to remember not only the violence on many of the asylum inmates but also celebrate their leading role in their process of liberation.'' The work, costing € 20 thousand, will be uncovered in the course of three days starting tomorrow and that is dedicated to mental health issues and news of Law 180, commonly known as Law Dr. The event is sponsored by the Center Basaglia with Province and the Municipality of Arezzo, Tuscany, University of Siena and Asl 8.Domani will also be given to Augustine Pirella honored''for his work as director of the psychiatric hospital in Arezzo, to overcome the mental hospital and the creation of local mental health services.''
(The Nation) Sunday, March 29, 2009